#!/usr/local/bin/rebol -c

Rebol [
    Title: "QuarterMaster"
    Author: "Christopher Ross-Gill"
    Version: 0.3.12
    Notes: {Warning: Work-In-Progress - no liabilities for damage, etc.}
    License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/

config: construct [
    public-key: "a key that will be visible - for cookie ids"
    private-key: "a private key - for encrypting passwords"
    session-timeout: 0:02:00
    zone: -6:00
    post-limit: 500 ;-- not active yet; can be altered per controller/action
    default-controller: "blog"
    spaces: [
        ;-- QM requires entries for "system" "data" "site" "support"
        "system"  %/Path/To/app/application/
        "space"   %/Path/To/app/space/
        "site"    %/Path/To/HTTPD/root/
        "support" %/Path/To/support/

        ;-- Add more for your convenience

system/options/binary-base: 64
system/error/user/type: "QuarterMaster Error"
date: now - now/zone + config/zone
range!: :pair! ; until Rebol v3
else: #[true] ; for 'case statements

random/seed to-integer checksum/secure form now/precise ; any better?
if all [_dbg: find/tail/last any [system/options/cgi/query-string ""] "&debug=" _dbg: tail? _dbg] [
    print "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8^/"

qm: context [
    binding: 'self
    controller: metadata: action: #[none]
    models: request: response: #[none]
    alerts: []
    errors: []
    notices: []
    handler: %.rsp
    view-path: #[none]
    title: ""
    code: []

context [
    func: make function! [spec [block!] body [block!]][make function! spec body]
    does: func [body [block!]][make function! [] body]

    uses: func [proto [block!] spec [block!]][
        proto: context proto
        func [args [block! object!]] compose/only [
            args: make (proto) args
            do bind (spec) args

    try-else: func [[throw] 'try-first [any-block!] on-fail [block!] /local reason][
        either error? reason: try :try-first bind :on-fail 'reason [:reason]

    assert-all: func [[throw] cases [block!] /local value][
        until [
            set [value cases] do/next cases
            unless value cases/1
            cases: next cases
            any [not value tail? cases]
        any [value]

    ; step-through: try-each: func ['steps [block!] else [block!] /local reason][
    ;   foreach [block err-code] steps [
    ;       either error? reason: try :block [do bind else 'reason return err-code][:reason]
    ;   ]
    ; ]

    fortype: func [[throw] type [datatype!] block [block!] f [any-function!] /local val][
        parse block [some [to type set val type (f :val)]]

    with: func [object [any-word! object! port!] block [any-block!] /only][
        block: bind block object
        either only [block] :block

    envelop: envelope: func [val [any-type!]][either any-block? val [val][reduce [val]]]

    raise: func [[catch] reason][throw make error! rejoin envelop reason]

    export: func [words [word! block!] /to dest [object!] /local word][
        dest: any [dest system/words]
        fortype word! to-block words func [word] [
            set/any in dest word get/any word
            ; protect in dest word

    true?: func [test][either test [#[true]][#[false]]]

    export [func does uses try-else assert-all fortype export envelop envelope raise with true?]

context [
    push: func [stack [series! port!] value [any-type!] /only][
        head either only [insert/only stack :value][insert stack :value]

    pop: take: func [series [series! port! none!] /last /part range [integer!] /local result][
        range: any [range 1]
        case [
            none? series [return none]
            last [series: skip tail series negate abs range]
        either part [
            result: copy/part series range
            remove/part series range
            result: pick series 1
            remove series

    pop*: func [stack [series! port!] /local val][
        val: pick stack 1
        remove stack

    flatten: func [block [any-block!] /once][
        once: either once [
            [(block: insert block pop block)]
            [(insert block pop block)]
        parse block [
            any [block: any-block! (insert block pop block) :block | skip]
        head block

    map: func [series [any-block! port!] action [any-function!] /only /copy /local new][
        if copy [series: system/words/copy/deep series]
        while [not tail? series][
            series: either only [
                change/part/only series action series/1 1
                change/part series action series/1 1
        head series

    map-each: func [[catch throw] 'word [word! block!] series [any-block!] body [block!] /copy /local new][
        case/all [
            word? word [word: envelop word]
            not parse word [some word!][
                raise "WORDS argument should be a word or block of words"
            copy [series: system/words/copy/deep series]
        use word compose/deep [
            while [not tail? series][
                set [(word)] series (body)
                series: change/part series reduce [(word)] (length? word)
        head series

    get-choice: func [word [string! word!] words [any-block!]][
        all [
            word: attempt [to-word word]
            find words word

    get-class: func [classes [block!] item /local type][
        all [
            type: type? classes/1
            classes: find classes item
            first find/reverse classes type

    link-to: func ['path [any-block!] /local out][
        out: copy %""
        path: compose to-block path
        foreach val path [
            either issue? val [append out mold val][repend out ["/" form val]]

    compose-path: func ['path [path! lit-path! word! lit-word!]][
        to-path new-line/all compose to-block envelop path none

    paginate: func [series [series! port!] page [integer! none!] /window padding /size length][
        page: any [page 1]
        length: any [length 15]
        padding: any [padding 2]

        context [
            last: max 1 to-integer (length? series) - 1 / length + 1
            current: max 1 min last page
            next: either last > current [current + 1][false]
            previous: either 1 < current [current - 1][false]
            records: copy/part skip series offset: current - 1 * length length
            upper: copy [] lower: copy []
            repeat cnt padding [
                insert lower current - cnt
                append upper current + cnt
            remove-each val lower [val <= 1]
            remove-each val upper [val >= last]
            start: current - 2 <= padding
            end: last - current - 1 <= padding

    prepare: use [rule flat nest val][
        rule: [val: paren! (do val/1 remove val) :val | get-word! (change/part val get/any val/1 1)]
        flat: [some [rule | skip]]
        nest: [some [rule | into nest | skip]]

        func [block [any-block!] /deep][
            parse block: copy/deep block either deep [nest][flat]

    export [push take pop flatten map map-each get-choice get-class compose-path prepare link-to paginate]

context [
    add-to: func [ser key val][
        key: envelop key
        map key func [key][as word! key]
        if find key none! [return none]
        until [
            ser: any [
                find/tail ser key/1
                insert tail ser key/1

            key: next key

            switch type?/word ser/1 [
                none! [unless tail? key [insert/only ser ser: copy []]]
                string! [change/only ser ser: envelop ser/1]
                block! [ser: ser/1]

            if tail? key [append ser val]

    get-from: func [series 'key][
        key: copy envelop key
        while [all [not tail? key any-block? series]][
            series: select series pop key
        all [tail? key series]

    export [add-to get-from]

context [
    comment {
    Will consider the possibility of using more bnf friendly words...
        snip: difference charset [#"^(20)" - #"^(7F)"] charset [{:*.<>=} #"{" #"}"]
        chars-n:  charset [#"0" - #"9"]   ; digit
        chars-la: charset [#"a" - #"z"]   ; lower-alpha
        chars-ua: charset [#"A" - #"Z"]   ; upper-alpha
        chars-a:  union chars-la chars-ua ; alpha
        chars-an: union chars-a chars-n   ; alphanumeric
        chars-hx: union chars-n charset [#"A" - #"F" #"a" - #"f"] ; hexdig
        chars-ud: union chars-an charset "*-._!~',"               ; url decode
        chars-u:  union chars-ud charset ":+%&=?"                 ; url
        chars-f:  union chars-an charset "-_"                     ; file
        chars-w1: union chars-a charset "*-._!+?&|"
        chars-w*: union chars-w1 chars-n
        chars-p:  union chars-an charset "-_!+%"   ; path
        chars-sp: charset " ^-"                    ; space
        chars-as: charset ["^/^-" #"^(20)" - #"^(7F)"] ; ascii
        chars-up: charset [#"^(80)" - #"^(FF)"]    ; above ascii
        ; chars-ht: exclude union chars-as chars-up charset {&<>"}
        chars-ht: exclude chars-as charset {&<>"}
        chars: complement nochar: charset " ^-^/"

    chars-a:  #[bitset! 64#{AAAAAAAAAAD+//8H/v//BwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=}]
    chars-an: #[bitset! 64#{AAAAAAAA/wP+//8H/v//BwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=}]
    chars-ud: #[bitset! 64#{AAAAAIJ0/wP+//+H/v//RwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=}]
    chars-u:  #[bitset! 64#{AAAAAKJ8/wf+//+H/v//RwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=}]
    chars-f:  #[bitset! 64#{AAAAAAAg/wP+//+H/v//BwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=}]
    chars-w1: #[bitset! 64#{AAAAAEJsAID+//+H/v//FwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=}]
    chars-w*: #[bitset! 64#{AAAAAEJs/4P+//+H/v//FwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=}]
    chars-p:  #[bitset! 64#{AAAAAKJo/wP+//+H/v//BwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=}]
    chars-as: #[bitset! 64#{AAYAAP///////////////wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=}]
    chars-up: #[bitset! 64#{AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP////////////////////8=}]
    ; chars-ht: #[bitset! 64#{AAYAALv//6////////////////////////////////8=}]
    chars-ht: #[bitset! 64#{AAYAALv//6///////////wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=}]
    chars:    #[bitset! 64#{//n///7///////////////////////////////////8=}]

    export [
        chars-n  chars-la chars-ua chars-a chars-an chars-hx
        chars-w1 chars-w* chars-f  chars-p chars-u chars-ud chars-sp
        chars-up chars-as chars-ht chars   nochar

;--## UTF-8
context [
    utf-b: #[bitset! 64#{AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP//////////AAAAAAAAAAA=}]

    utf-8: [utf-2 1 utf-b | utf-3 2 utf-b | utf-4 3 utf-b | utf-5 4 utf-b]

    utf-os: [0 192 224 240 248 252]
    utf-fc: [1 64 4096 262144 16777216]

    get-ucs-code: func [char /local int][
        int: 0
        char: change char char/1 xor pick utf-os length? char
        forskip char 1 [change char char/1 xor 128]
        char: head reverse head char
        forskip char 1 [int: (to-integer char/1) * (pick utf-fc index? char) + int]
        all [int > 127 int <= 65535 int]

    export [utf-8 get-ucs-code]

context [
    pad: func [text length [integer!] /with padding [char!]][
        padding: any [padding #"0"]
        text: form text
        skip tail insert/dup text padding length negate length

    url-encode: func [text [any-string!]][
        parse/all copy text [
            copy text any [
                some chars-ud |
                #" " text: (change back text #"+") |
                skip text: (change/part back text join "%" enbase/base to-string text/-1 16 1)

    deplus: func [text][
        parse/all text [some [to #"+" text: (text: change text #" ") :text] to end]
        head text

    decrlf: func [text][
        parse/all text [some [to crlf text: (text: change/part text #"^/" 2) :text] to end]
        head text

    url-decode: func [text [any-string!]][decrlf dehex deplus to-string text]

    decode-query: func [query [string! none!] /local result name value][
        query: any [query ""]
        result: copy []

        if query [
            remove-each value query: parse/all query "&" [empty? value]
            map/only query func [value][parse/all value "="]
            foreach value query [change/only value parse/all value/1 "."]

        parse query [
            any [
                into [
                    set name block! set value opt string! (
                        add-to result name any [all [value url-decode value] ""]


    ; doesn't work right, yet
    decode-options: func [options [string! none!] type [datatype!]][
        options: any [options ""]
        options: parse lowercase options ";,"
        map options func [val [string!] /local weight][
            either parse/all val ["q=" weight: "0." integer!][
                load weight
                as :type val

    compose-tags: func [body [string!] callback [any-function!] /local out tag block][
        out: make string! length? body
        while [tag: find body "=["][
            insert/part tail out body offset? body tag
            body: either error? err: try [
                block: load/next tag: next tag
                append out "**Tag Loading Error: #"
                append out any [callback first block ""]
                second block
        append out body

    interpolate: func [body [string!] escapes [any-block!] /local out][
        body: out: copy body

        parse/all body [
            any [
                to #"%" body: (
                    body: change/part body reduce any [
                        select/case escapes body/2 body/2
                    ] 2
                ) :body


    sanitize: func [text [any-string!] /local char][
        parse/all copy text [
            copy text any [
                text: some chars-ht
                | #"&" (text: change/part text "&amp;" 1) :text
                | #"<" (text: change/part text "&lt;" 1) :text
                | #">" (text: change/part text "&gt;" 1) :text
                | #"^"" (text: change/part text "&quot;" 1) :text
                | #"^M" (remove text) :text 
                | copy char utf-8 (text: change/part text rejoin ["&#" get-ucs-code char ";"] length? char)
                | skip (text: change/part text rejoin ["#(" to-integer text/1 ")"] 1) :text
                ; | skip (text: change text "#") :text
        any [text ""]

    ; sanitize: func [text][
    ;   replace/all text: copy text #"&" "&amp;"
    ;   replace/all text #"<" "&lt;"
    ;   replace/all text #">" "&gt;"
    ;   replace/all text #"^"" "&quot;"
    ; ]

    load-multipart: func [
        [catch] data [binary!] boundary
        /local store name content filetype filename
        file-prototype qchars nchars dchars
        store: copy []
        file-prototype: context [name: data: type: meta: #[none]]

        qchars: #[bitset! 64#{//////v///////////////////////////////////8=}]
        nchars: #[bitset! 64#{//////////f///////////////////////////////8=}]
        unless parse/all/case data [boundary data: to end][
            raise "Postdata not Multipart"

        boundary: join crlf boundary

        unless parse/all/case data [
            some [
                "--" crlf end |
                (name: content: filemime: filetype: filename: none)
                crlf {Content-Disposition: form-data; name=}
                [{"} copy name some qchars {"} | copy name some nchars]
                (name: parse/all name ".")
                opt [
                    {; filename=} [
                        [{"} copy filename any qchars {"} | copy filename any nchars]
                        crlf {Content-Type: } copy filetype to crlf
                crlf crlf copy content to boundary boundary (
                    content: any [content ""]
                    either all [filetype filetype: as path! filetype][
                        filename: either filename [
                            as file! any [
                                find/last/tail filename #"/"
                                find/last/tail filename #"\"
                                find/last/tail filename #":"
                        content: either filetype/1 = 'text [decrlf content][to-binary content]
                        add-to store name make file-prototype [
                            name: :filename type: :filetype data: :content
                        add-to store name to-string decrlf content
            raise "Invalid Multipart Postdata"

    export [
        pad url-encode url-decode decode-query decode-options
        load-multipart compose-tags interpolate sanitize

context [
    add-protocol: func ['name id handler /with block][
        unless in system/schemes name [
            system/schemes: make system/schemes compose [
                (to-set-word name) #[none]
        set in system/schemes name make system/standard/port compose [
            scheme: name
            port-id: (id)
            handler: (handler)
            passive: #[none]
            cache-size: 5
            proxy: make object! [host: port-id: user: pass: type: bypass: #[none]]

    to-header: func [object [object!] /local header][
        header: make string! (20 * length? first object)
        foreach word next first object [
            if get word: in object word [
                insert tail header reduce [word ": " get word newline]

    codes: [read 1 write 2 append 4 new 8 binary 32 lines 64 direct 524288]
    get-port-flags: func [port words][
        remove-each word copy words [
            word: select codes word
            word <> (port/state/flags and word)

    chars: ; charset [#"a" - #"z" #"A" - #"Z" #"0" - #"9" "-_!+%"]
    #[bitset! 64#{AAAAACIo/wP+//+H/v//BwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=}]

    space!: context [
        root: domain: path: target: folder: file: suffix: #[none]

    get-space: func [base [url!] location [url!] /local space][
        base: form base
        space: make space! [uri: :location]

        if all with/only space [
            parse/all uri [
                copy domain some chars #"/"
                copy path any [some [some chars | #"."] #"/"]
                copy target opt [any chars #"." 1 10 chars]
            root: select config/spaces domain
        ] with/only space [
            path: all [path to-file path]
            target: all [target to-file target]
            folder: join root any [path ""]
            file: join folder any [target ""]
            suffix: suffix? file

    export [add-protocol to-header get-port-flags get-space]

context [
    pad-zone: func [time /flat][
        rejoin [
            pick "-+" time/hour < 0
            pad abs time/hour 2
            either flat [""][#":"]
            pad time/minute 2

    get-iso-year: func [year [integer!] /local d1 d2][
        d1: to-date join "4-1-" year
        d2: to-date join "28-12-" year
        return reduce [d1 + 1 - d1/weekday d2 + 7 - d2/weekday]

    to-iso-week: func [date [date!] /local out d1 d2][
        out: 0x0
        set [d1 d2] get-iso-year out/y: date/year

        case [
            date < d1 [d1: first get-iso-year out/y: date/year - 1]
            date > d2 [d1: first get-iso-year out/y: date/year + 1]

        out/x: date + 8 - date/weekday - d1 / 7

    date-codes: [
        #"a" [copy/part pick system/locale/days date/weekday 3]
        #"A" [pick system/locale/days date/weekday]
        #"b" [copy/part pick system/locale/months date/month 3]
        #"B" [pick system/locale/months date/month]
        #"C" [to-integer date/year / 100]
        #"d" [pad date/day 2]
        #"D" [date/year #"/" pad date/month 2 #"/" pad date/day 2]
        #"e" [date/day]
        #"g" [pad (second to-iso-week date) // 100 2]
        #"G" [second to-iso-week date]
        #"h" [time/hour + 11 // 12 + 1]
        #"H" [pad time/hour 2]
        #"i" [any [get-class [st 1 21 31 nd 2 22 rd 3 23] date/day "th"]]
        #"I" [pad time/hour + 11 // 12 + 1 2]
        #"j" [pad date/julian 3]
        #"J" [date/julian]
        #"m" [pad date/month 2]
        #"M" [pad time/minute 2]
        #"p" [pick ["am" "pm"] time/hour < 12]
        #"P" [pick ["AM" "PM"] time/hour < 12]
        #"S" [pad round time/second 2]
        #"t" [#"^-"]
        #"T" [pad time/hour 2 #":" pad time/minute 2 #":" pad round time/second 2]
        #"u" [date/weekday]
        #"U" [pad to-integer date/julian + 6 - (date/weekday // 7) / 7 2]
        #"V" [pad first to-iso-week date 2]
        #"w" [date/weekday // 7]
        #"W" [pad to-integer date/julian + 7 - date/weekday / 7 2]
        #"y" [pad date/year // 100 2]
        #"Y" [date/year]
        #"z" [pad-zone/flat zone]
        #"Z" [pad-zone zone]

    form-date: func [date [date!] format [any-string!] /gmt /local time zone nyd][
        all [
            date/time date/zone
            date/time: date/time - date/zone
            date/time: date/time + date/zone: either gmt [0:00][config/zone]

        time: any [date/time 0:00]
        zone: any [date/zone config/zone 0:00]
        interpolate format bind date-codes 'date

    color-codes: [
        #"r" [color/1] #"1" [to-char color/1]
        #"g" [color/2] #"2" [to-char color/2]
        #"b" [color/3] #"3" [to-char color/3]
        #"a" [color/4] #"4" [to-char color/4]
        #"R" [skip tail to-hex color/1 -2]
        #"G" [skip tail to-hex color/2 -2]
        #"B" [skip tail to-hex color/3 -2]
        #"A" [skip tail to-hex color/4 -2]

    form-color: func [color [tuple!] format [any-string!]][
        bind color-codes 'color
        color: + color
        interpolate format color-codes

    pluralize: func [string [string!] count [number!]][
        unless any [count = 1 count = -1][string: join string "s"]
        reform [count string]

    export [form-date to-local-time form-color pluralize]

context [
    id: [chars-la 0 15 chars-f]
    word: [chars-w1 0 25 chars-w*]
    number: [integer!]
    integer: [opt #"-" number]

    masks: reduce [
        issue!    [some chars-u]
        logic!    ["true" | "on" | "yes" | "1"]
        word!     [word]
        url!      [id #":" some [chars-u | #":" | #"/"]]
        email!    [some chars-u #"@" some chars-u]
        path!     [word 1 5 [#"/" [word | integer]]]
        integer!  [integer]
        string!   [some [some chars-as | utf-8]]
        'positive [number]
        'id       [id]
        'key      [word 0 6 [#"." word]]

    as: func [
        [catch] type [datatype!] value [any-type!]
        /where format [none! block! any-word!]
        case/all [
            none? format [format: select masks type]
            none? format [if type = type? value [return value]]
            any-word? format [format: select masks to-word format]
            block? format [
                unless parse/all form value format [return none]
            type = path! [return load value]

        attempt [make type value]


    export [as]

;--## IMPORT
context [
    result: errors: #[none]

    messages: [
        not-included "is not included in the list"
        excluded "is reserved"
        invalid "is missing or invalid"
        not-confirmed "doesn't match confirmation"
        not-accepted "must be accepted"
        empty "can't be empty"
        blank "can't be blank"
        too-long "is too long (maximum is %d characters)"
        too-short "is too short (minimum is %d characters)"
        wrong-length "is the wrong length (should be %d characters)"
        not-a-number "is not a number"
        too-many "has too many arguments"

    datatype: [
        'any-string! | 'binary! | 'block! | 'char! | 'date! | 'decimal! | 'email! | 'file! |
        'get-word! | 'integer! | 'issue! | 'lit-path! | 'lit-word! | 'logic! | 'money! |
        'none! | 'number! | 'pair! | 'paren! | 'path! | 'range! | 'refinement! |
        'set-path! | 'set-word! | 'string! | 'tag! | 'time! | 'tuple! | 'url! | 'word!

    else: #[none]
    otherwise: [
        ['else | 'or][
            set else string! | copy else any [word! string!]
        ] | (else: #[none])

    source: key: value: target: type: format: constraints: else: none

    constraint: use [is is-not? is-or-length-is op val val-type range group][
        op: val: val-type: none
        is: ['is | 'are]
        is-or-length-is: [
                ['length | 'size] (val: length? value val-type: integer!)
                | (val: :value val-type: :type)
            ] is
        is-not?: ['not (op: false) | (op: true)]

            is [
                'accepted otherwise (
                    unless true = value [report not-accepted]
                ) |
                'confirmed opt 'by set val get-word! otherwise (
                    val: to-word val
                    unless value = as/where :type get-from source :val format [
                        report not-confirmed
                ) |
                is-not? 'within set group any-block! otherwise (
                    either found? find group value [
                        unless op [report excluded]
                        if op [report not-included]
            ] |
            is-or-length-is [
                is-not? 'between [set range [range! | into [2 val-type]]] otherwise (
                    either op [
                        case [
                            val < target: range/1 [report too-short]
                            val > target: range/2 [report too-long]
                        unless any [
                            val < range/1
                            val > range/2
                        ][report excluded]
                ) |
                'more-than set target val-type otherwise (
                    unless val > target [report too-short]
                ) |
                'less-than set target val-type otherwise (
                    unless val < target [report too-long]
                ) |
                set target val-type otherwise (
                    unless val = target [report wrong-length]

    do-constraints: does [constraints: [any constraint]]
    no-constraints: does [constraints: [to set-word! | to end]]

    humanize: func [word][uppercase/part replace/all form word "-" " " 1]

    report: func ['message [word!]][
        message: any [
            all [string? else else]
            all [block? else select else message]
            reform [humanize key any [select messages message ""]]
        unless select errors :key [repend errors [:key copy []]]
        append select errors :key interpolate message [
            #"w" [form key]
            #"W" [humanize key]
            #"d" [form target]
            #"t" [form type]

    import: func [
        [catch] source* [block! none!] spec [block!]
        /report-to errs [block!]
        /block /again /local required present
        unless source* [return none]

        errors: copy []
        result: copy []

        source: source* []

        unless parse compose/deep/only spec [
            any [
                set key [set-word! | refinement!] (key: to-word key)
                set required opt 'opt (required: required <> 'opt)
                set type datatype (type: get type)
                set format opt [block! | get-word!]

                    value: either block [
                        pick source 1
                        get-from source :key

                    present: not any [
                        none? value
                        empty? trim/head/tail form value

                    either all [
                        value: either :type = block! [
                            either block? format [
                                import value format
                            as/where :type value format
                        if block [source: next source]
                        repend result [key value]
                        case [
                            all [present not block] [report invalid]
                            required [report blank]
                            not required [repend result [key none]]

        ][raise "Could not parse Import specification"]

        all [block? errs insert clear errs errors]
        unless qm/errors: all [not empty? errors errors][result]

    get-one: func [data type /local res][
        parse data [some [res: type to end break | skip]]
        unless tail? res [take res]

    get-some: func [data type /local pos res][
        res: make block! length? data
        parse data [some [pos: type (append/only res take pos) :pos | skip]]
        unless empty? res [res]

    match: func [
        [catch] source* [block!] spec [block!]
        /report-to errs [block!]
        /local required type
        source: copy :source*
        errors: copy []
        result: context append remove-each item copy spec [not set-word? item] none

        unless parse spec [
            some [
                set key set-word! (key: to-word key)
                set required ['opt | 'any | 'some | none]
                copy type [datatype any ['| datatype]]

                    switch/default required [
                        any [
                            value: get-some source type
                            either value [do-constraints][no-constraints]
                        opt [
                            value: get-one source type
                            either value [do-constraints][no-constraints]
                        some [
                            value: get-some source type
                            either value [do-constraints][no-constraints report invalid]
                        value: get-one source type
                        either value [do-constraints][no-constraints report invalid]

                    result/(key): value

        ][raise "Could not parse Match specification"]

        all [block? errs insert clear errs errors]
        unless empty? source [key: 'match report too-many]
        unless qm/errors: all [not empty? errors errors][result]

    export [import match]

;--## Q(uick)TAG DIALECT
context [
    qtags: []
    form-val: func [val /local value][
        val: switch/default type?/word val [
            get-word! [
                if value: get/any :val [
                    rejoin [{ } val {="} sanitize form value {"}]
            word! [
                all [val: get val sanitize form val]
            none! [val]
            string! [val]
        ][sanitize form val]
        any [val ""]

    add-qtag: func ['name [word!] format [block!] spec [block!] prep [block!]][
        repend qtags [
            func [[catch] spec [block!]] compose/deep/only [
                throw-on-error [
                    either spec: match spec (spec) [
                        spec: make spec (prep)
                        rejoin map/copy with/only spec (format) :form-val
                        raise (rejoin ["!!!Invalid " uppercase form name " tag."])

    add-qtag a [
        "<a" :id :href :rel :class :title :accesskey ">"
        href: file! | url! | path!
        id: opt issue!
        class: any refinement!
        title: opt string!
        accesskey: opt char!
        rel: any lit-word!
        all [path? href href: link-to :href]

    add-qtag div ["<div" :id :class ">"][
        id: opt issue!
        class: any refinement!

    add-qtag img [
        "<img" :id :width :height :src :class :alt :title " />"
        src: file! | url! | path!
        size: opt pair!
        alt: string!
        title: opt string!
        id: opt issue!
        class: any refinement!
        all [path? src src: link-to :src]
        size: any [size -1x-1]
        set [width height] reduce [size/x size/y]
        all [width < 0 width: none] all [height < 0 height: none]

    add-qtag form [
        "<form" :method :action :enctype :id :class ">"
        method: opt word! is within [get post upload]
        action: file! | url! | path!
        id: opt issue!
        class: any refinement!
        enctype: none
        case/all [
            path? action [action: link-to :action]
            none? method [method: 'post]
            method = 'upload [method: 'post enctype: 'multipart/form-data]

    to-key: func [key [path! word!]][replace/all form compose-path :key #"/" #"."]

    add-qtag label [
        "<label" :for :accesskey :title :class ">"
        title: opt string!
        for: opt issue!
        class: any refinement!
        accesskey: opt char!

    add-qtag hidden [
        {<input type="hidden"} :name :value " />"
        name: word! | path!
        value: opt any-string! | number! | none!
        name: to-key name
        value: any [value ""]

    field: [
        name: word! | path!
        id: opt issue!
        size: opt integer! | pair!
        value: opt any-string! | number! | none!
        class: any refinement!

    add-qtag field [
        {<input type="text"} :name :value :id :size :class " />"
    ] field [
        name: to-key name
        class: append any [class copy []] /field
        value: any [value ""]

    add-qtag password [
        {<input type="password"} :name :value :id :size :class " />"
    ] field [
        name: to-key name
        class: append any [class copy []] /field
        value: any [value ""]

    add-qtag area [
        {<textarea} :name :id :cols :rows :class ">" value "</textarea>"
    ] field [
        name: to-key name
        class: append any [class copy []] /field
        size: 0x0 + any [size 12x50]
        cols: abs size/x
        rows: abs size/y
        value: any [value ""]

    check-options: [
        name: word! | path!
        id: opt issue!
        value: any-string! | number!
        checked: opt logic! | none! | any-string! | number!
        class: any refinement!

    check-line-options: [
        name: word! | path!
        id: issue!
        accesskey: opt char!
        label: string!
        value: any-string! | number!
        checked: opt logic! | none! | any-string! | number!
        class: any refinement!

    check-action: [
        for: :id
        name: to-key name
        value: any [value ""]
        checked: if any [value = checked true? checked]["checked"]

    add-qtag check [
        {<input type="checkbox"} :name :value :checked :id :class " />"
    ] :check-options :check-action

    add-qtag check-line [
        {<label} :for :accesskey :class {><input type="checkbox"} :name :value :checked :id " /> " label "</label>"
    ] :check-line-options :check-action

    add-qtag radio [
        {<input type="radio"} :name :value :checked :id :class " />"
    ] :check-options :check-action

    add-qtag radio-line [
        {<label} :for :accesskey {><input type="radio"} :name :value :checked :id :class " /> " label "</label>"
    ] :check-line-options :check-action

        | 'select [
            | opt 'one

    add-qtag get-file [
        {<input type="file"} :name :id :class " />"
        name: word! | path!
        id: opt issue!
        class: any refinement!
        name: to-key name
        class: append any [class copy []] /get-file

    add-qtag submit [
        {<input type="submit"} :name :value :id :size :class " />"
    ] field [
        name: to-key name
        value: any [value ""]
        class: append any [class copy []] /submit

    build-tag: func [[catch] spec [block!] /local cmd action][
        either action: select qtags cmd: pop spec: compose spec [
            action spec
            rejoin ["!!! Invalid QuickTag Type: &lt;" cmd "&gt;"]

    export [add-qtag build-tag]

context [
    sw*: system/words
    rights: [
        folder [
            owner-read: group-read: world-read:
            owner-write: group-write: world-write:
            owner-execute: group-execute: world-execute: #[true]
        file [
            owner-read: group-read: world-read:
            owner-write: group-write: world-write: #[true]
            owner-execute: group-execute: world-execute: #[false]

    set-rights: func [file access][
        unless find [1 3] system/version/4 [
            attempt [set-modes file rights/:access]
            ; not perfect

    break-path: func [[catch] target [file!] base [file!] /local path mk][
        path: make block! []
        either parse/all target: form target [
            base some [
                thru #"/" mk: (append path to-file copy/part target mk)
            ] end
        ][return path][
            raise compose [access invalid-path (target)]

    make-dir: func [[catch] path [file!] /root base [file!] /deep /local dirs][
        all [empty? path return path]
        if exists? path [
            return either dir? path [path][false]
        either deep [
            close throw-on-error [open/new path]
            any [
                find [1 3] system/version/4
                throw-on-error [set-rights path 'folder]
            dirs: break-path path base
            foreach path dirs [make-dir/deep path]

    get-subfolders: func [folder /deep /local tree files][
        tree: []
        unless deep [clear tree]
        insert tree folder
        files: read folder
        foreach file files [
            if equal? last folder/:file #"/" [
                get-subfolders/deep folder/:file

    delete: func [[catch] target [url!] /pare /local path folder err][
        either error? set/any 'err try [
            ; Delete Children
            if dir? target [
                folder: get-subfolders dirize target
                foreach path folder [close clear open path]

            ; Delete Target
            set [path target] split-path target
            folder: open path
            remove find folder target
            close folder

            ; Delete Empty Parents
            if pare [
                while [
                    pare: empty? folder: open path
                    close folder
                    set [path target] split-path path
                    folder: open path
                    remove find folder target
                    close folder
        ][throw err][path]

    dir?: func [[catch] target [file! url!]][
        throw-on-error [
            target: make port! target
            query target
        target/status = 'directory

    touch: func [[catch] target [file! url!]][
        throw-on-error [
            target: make port! target
            switch target/scheme [
                qm [target: make port! target/locals/file]
            query target
            switch target/status [
                file [set-modes target [modification-date: now]]
                #[none] [close open/new target]

    export [delete make-dir touch]

    add-protocol qm 0 context [
        port-flags: system/standard/port-flags/pass-thru

        init: func [port url /local spec][
            unless all [
                url? url
                spec: get-space qm:// url
                raise ["Filesystem URL <" url "> is invalid."]

            with port [
                set [url host path target] reduce bind [uri domain path target] spec

                locals: context [
                    flags: []
                    root: spec/root
                    folder: spec/folder
                    file: spec/file
                    suffix: spec/suffix
                    open: #[none]

                sub-port: make port! spec/file

        open: func [port][
            with port [
                locals/flags: get-port-flags port [read write append new binary lines]

                all [
                    sw*/find locals/flags 'new
                    not dir? locals/folder
                    make-dir/root locals/folder locals/root

                either all [
                    any [
                        exists? locals/file
                        sw*/find locals/flags 'new
                    sw*/open/mode sub-port locals/flags
                    locals/open: true
                    state/tail: sub-port/state/tail
                    state/tail: 0

                state/index: 0
                state/flags: state/flags or port-flags

        copy: func [port][
            if port/locals/open with/only port [
                user-data: sw*/copy skip sub-port state/index
                all [
                    block? user-data block? state/custom
                    remove-each file user-data [not parse file state/custom]

        insert: func [port data][
            if port/locals/open with/only port [
                foreach [test onfail][
                    [sw*/insert sub-port data]
                    ["Could not write <" url ">"]
                    [set-rights sub-port 'file]
                    ["Could not set permissions <" url ">"]
                    if error? try :test [raise :onfail]

        remove: func [port][
            either port/locals/open with/only port [
                sub-port: skip sub-port state/index
                system/words/remove/part sub-port state/num

        find: func [port value][
            if port/locals/open with/only port [
                if value: system/words/find sub-port value [
                    sub-port: :value

        close: func [port][
            either port/locals/open with/only port [
                any [locals/open exit]
                system/words/close sub-port

        query: func [port][
            with port [
                system/words/query sub-port
                size: sub-port/size
                date: sub-port/date
                status: sub-port/status

context [
    root: qm://support/
    cache: []

    require: know: func [[catch] location [file!] /reset /local helper][
        if reset [remove/part find cache location 2]
        any [
            select cache location
            if all [
                helper: attempt [load/header root/:location]
                helper: context compose [header: (helper)]
                repend cache [location helper]
                if block? get in helper/header 'exports [
                    export bind helper/header/exports helper
            throw raise ["Missing support file: %" location]

    export [require know]

;--## RENDER
context [
    root: qm://system/views/

    load-rsp: func [[catch] body [string!] /local code mk][
        code: make string! length? body

        append code "out*: make string! {}^/"
        parse/all body [
            any [
                end (append code "out*") break
                | "<%" [
                    "=" copy mk to "%>" (repend code ["prin (" mk "^/)^/"])
                    | [#":" | #"!"] copy mk to "%>" (repend code ["prin build-tag [" mk "^/]^/"])
                    | copy mk to "%>" (repend code [mk newline])
                    | (raise "Expected '%>'")
                ] 2 skip
                | copy mk [to "<%" | to end] (repend code ["prin " mold mk "^/"])

        try-else [
            code: bind load code qm/binding
            bind code 'self
            uses [
                out*: "" prin: func [val][repend out* val]
                print: func [val][prin val prin newline]
            ] code
        ][throw reason]

    depth*: 0 ;-- to break recursion
    scope: #[none]

    clean-view-path: func [
        [catch] path [file!]
        partial? [logic! none!]
        path: split-path path
        change path next split-path path/1
        case/all [
            none? path/2 [raise "Not a Valid Filename to Render"]
            none? path/1 [change path any [scope qm/view-path]]
            none? path/1 [raise "No View Scope"]
            partial? [insert path/2 %_]
        return rejoin path

    render3p: func [[catch] format [file!] body [string!] locals [block!]][
        all [
            format: rejoin [%render/ next format %.r]
            format: know format
            function? format: get in format 'renders
            format: format body locals
            format locals

    render: build: func [
        [catch] body [file! string!]
        /partial /with locals [block!]
        /type format /local out
        if depth* > 20 [return ""]
        depth*: depth* + 1

        locals: either locals [
            map/copy locals func [word][
                reduce [to-set-word word get/any word]

        out: case/all [
            file? body [
                format: suffix? body: clean-view-path body partial
                body: read root/:body
            string? body [
                either any [none? format format = %.rsp][
                    format: load-rsp body
                    format locals
                    throw-on-error [render3p format body locals]

        depth*: depth* - 1
        return out

    render-each: func [
        'items [word! block!]
        source [series!]
        body [file! string!]
        /whole /with locals /local out
        out: copy ""
        locals: append any [locals []] items: envelop items
        foreach :items source compose/only [
            append out do either whole ['render/with]['render/partial/with] body (locals)
        return out

    export [clean-view-path render build]

context [
    space: qm://space/
    ; locate: func [port id][space/(port/locals/locate id)]

    sw*: get in system 'words

    table!: context [
        name: header: spec: index: root: path: changed: #[none]
        locate: func [id][form id]
        record: context [
            id: new?: owner: root: path: #[none] data: []
            on-load: on-save: on-create: on-change: on-delete: #[none]
            get: func [key [word!]][select data key]
            set: func [key [word!] val][unset key val repend data [key val] val]
            unset: func [key [word!]][remove-each [k v] data [k = key]]
            store: func [[catch]][
                case [
                    not new? [change owner self self]
                    not unique? [errors: [id ["Record ID already exists."]] none]
                    else [append owner self self]
            destroy: does [unless new? [remove find head owner id]]
            inject: func [pending][
                unless block? :pending [return none]
                foreach [key val] pending [set key val]
            unique?: does [not find owner/locals/index get 'id]
            injects: func [spec [block!] /local out][
                func [args] compose/only/deep [
                    case [
                        not block? :args [none]
                        out: import/report-to args (spec) errors [
                            inject out out
                        parse args [any [word! skip]][
                            inject args none
            errors: []

    add-protocol roughcut 0 context [
        port-flags: system/standard/port-flags/pass-thru

        shift: func [port][
            port/locals/index: skip head port/locals/index port/state/index

        commit: func [[catch] block /local status][
            loop 30 [
                if status: not exists? space/lock.r [break]
                wait 0.005

            either status [
                touch space/lock.r
                do block
                delete space/lock.r
                delete space/lock.r
                raise "Database locked"

        init: func [port spec [url!]][
            unless port/locals: make table! port/locals [
                raise ["Could not load model <" port/locals/name ">"]
            with port/locals [
                root: path: (any [port/locals/header/home dirize space/:name])
                changed: (modified? space/:name/index.r)

        open: func [[catch] port [port!]][
            update port

            with port [
                with state [
                    index: 0
                    flags: flags or port-flags

        select: func [port criteria /local result record][
            case [
                criteria = 'new [
                    result: make port/locals/record compose [
                        new?: #[true]
                        owner: :port
                        data: sw*/copy data
                block? criteria [
                    result: sw*/copy []
                    forall port [
                        record: first port
                        if with record criteria [
                            append result record

                    ; while [port: find port criteria][
                    ;   append result first port
                    ;   port: next port
                    ; ]

                criteria [
                    all [
                        port: find port criteria
                        ; index? port
                        first port

        find: func [port [port!] criteria /local index][
            shift port

            case [
                block? criteria [ ; reserved for query dialect
                    ; none
                criteria [
                    all [
                        index: sw*/find head port/locals/index criteria
                        port: at head port index? index

        pick: func [port [port!] /local id root][
            shift port

            all [
                id: sw*/pick port/locals/index 1
                root: dirize join port/locals/root port/locals/locate id
                make port/locals/record compose [
                    id: (id)
                    owner: port
                    root: path: (root)
                    data: load/all root/index.r

        insert: func [port [port!] record [object!] /local id root][
            update port

            unless case/all [
                not object? record [raise "Not a RoughCut Active Record"]
                not id: record/get 'id [raise "Active Record needs an ID"]
                sw*/find head port/locals/index id [
                    raise "ID already exists"
                error? root: try [port/locals/locate id][:root]
                record/id: :id
                record/root: record/path: port/locals/root/:root
                record/new?: false

                commit [
                    new-line/all/skip record/data true 2

                    save/all record/root/index.r record/data
                    head sw*/insert port/locals/index record/id
                    update/set port

        change: func [port [port!] record [object!]][
            unless case/all [
                not object? record [raise "Not a RoughCut Active Record"]
                not sw*/find head port/locals/index record/id [
                    raise "Active Record ID not found"
                commit [

                    new-line/skip/all record/data true 2
                    save/all record/root/index.r record/data

        remove: func [port [port!] /local record][
            update port

            loop port/state/num [
                record: first port

                commit [

                    delete/pare record/root
                    sw*/remove port/locals/index
                    update/set port

        update: func [port [port!] /set][
            with port/locals [
                either set [
                    save/all root/index.r new-line/all head index true
                    changed: now
                    unless all [
                        exists? root/index.r
                        index: load root/index.r
                        write root/index.r ""
                        changed: now
                        index: sw*/copy []

                port/state/tail: length? head index

            shift port

        copy: func [port [port!]][
            update port
            map sw*/copy/part port/locals/index port/state/num func [id][
                select port id

        close: func [port [port!]][port/locals/index: none]

;--## MODELS
context [
    root: qm://system/models/

    engage-model: has [specs type][
        specs: map read/custom root [chars-a any chars-f %.r] func [spec][
            reduce [to-word form copy/part spec find spec %.r spec]

        qm/models: context map-each [name file] specs [
            name: to-set-word name

        map-each [name spec] specs [
            spec: bind load/header root/:spec qm/models
            type: get in spec/1 'type
            spec: compose [
                name: (to-lit-word name)
                header: (spec)
            spec: switch type?/word type [
                word! [
                    spec: compose/only [scheme: (to-lit-word type) locals: (spec)]
                    unless attempt [spec: open spec][
                        raise ["Error opening Model: %models/" name ".r <" type "::" name ">"]
                none! [context bind spec qm/models]
            set in qm/models name spec


    disengage-model: does [
        foreach spec next first qm/models [
            if port? spec: get in qm/models spec [close spec]
    export [engage-model disengage-model]

unless system/options/cgi/request-method [
    all [system/product = 'base know %core/help.r]
    recycle halt

qm/request: make system/options/cgi [
    controller: action: input: none
    remote-addr: as tuple! remote-addr

    get-header: func [name][select other-headers form name]

    clear find request-path: copy request-uri: as file! any [
        get-env "REQUEST_URI"
        get-header "HTTP_INTERNAL_REFERER"
    ] "?"

    path-info: parse/all remove copy request-path "/"

    query: decode-query query-string

    cookies: all [
        cookies: select other-headers "HTTP_COOKIE"
        parse cookies ";="

    cookies: any [cookies []]

    map cookies :url-decode

    ; Must fix 'decode-options
    ; accept-types: decode-options select other-headers "HTTP_ACCEPT" path!
    ; accept-languages: decode-options select other-headers "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" word!
    ; accept-encodings: decode-options select other-headers "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" word!
    ; accept-charsets: decode-options select other-headers "HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET" word!

    content-limit: config/post-limit
    content-boundary: #[none]

    content-type: as path! content-type
    type: none

    all [
      ;--- content length ---
        content-length: any [as integer! content-length 0]
        0 < content-length

      ;--- content type ---
        parse form content-type [
                "text/" [
                      opt "x-" "rebol" (type: /rebol)
                    | "xml" (type: /xml)
                    | opt "x-" "json" (type: /json)
                | "application/" [
                      "x-www-form-urlencoded" (type: /url-encoded)
                    | "xml" (type: /xml)
                | "multipart/form-data;" "boundary=" content-boundary: some chars (
                    type: /multipart
                    content-boundary: join "--" content-boundary

    ;-- body is the raw data from the HTTP request
    body: func [/binary /local tmp][
        body: copy either binary [#{}][{}]
        set-modes system/ports/input [lines: false]
        unless binary [set-modes system/ports/input [binary: false]]
        body: copy system/ports/input
        ; body: copy/part system/ports/input content-length
        ; ^^^^^^^^ problem, not sure why...

    if find server-software "Cheyenne" [
        input: get in system/words 'input

        body: func [/binary][
            body: either all [
                body: :input
                content-length = length? body
            either binary [body][to-string body]

    ;-- content is the body 'loaded' according to the content-type header
    content: func [[catch]][
        throw-on-error [
            content: switch type [
                /url-encoded [decode-query body]
                /rebol [attempt [load/header body]]
                /multipart [
                    ; know %qm/multipart.r
                    load-multipart body/binary content-boundary
        any [content []]

    get-cookie: func [name][select cookies form name]
    get-param: func ['name /query /body /local result][
        result: copy [query #[none] body #[none]]
        unless body [result/query: get-from self/query :name]
        unless query [result/body: get-from self/content :name]
        any [result/query result/body]

    export [get-header get-cookie get-param]

qm/response: context [
    status: 200
    headers: make string! ""
    type: 'text/html
    charset: "utf-8"

    template: length: body: #[none]

    set-header: func [header value][
        repend headers [header ": " value newline]

    clear-cookie: func [key /path root /domain base][
        key: join form key "=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"
        repend key ["; path=" any [root %/]]
        if domain [repend key ["; domain=" base]]
        set-header 'Set-Cookie key

    set-cookie: func [key value /expires on [date!] /path root /domain base][
        value: rejoin [form key "=" url-encode value]
        if expires [append value form-date/gmt on "; expires=%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT"]
        repend value ["; path=" any [root %/]]
        if domain [repend value ["; domain=" base]]
        set-header 'Set-Cookie value

    export [set-header set-cookie clear-cookie]

;--## VIEW
context [
    status-codes: [
        200 "OK" 201 "Created" 204 "No Content"
        301 "Moved Permanently" 302 "Moved temporarily"
        400 "Bad Request" 401 "No Authorization" 403 "Forbidden" 404 "Not Found" 411 "Length Required"
        500 "Internal Server Error" 503 "Service Unavailable"

    log: #[none]

    probe: func [data][
        log: append any [log "^/"] mold :data
        append log newline
        return :data

    send-response: func [body [string! binary!]][
        system/ports/output/state/with: "^/"
        ; body: join body ["<div><b>" difference now/precise st "</b></div>"]
        write-io system/ports/output body length? body
        close system/ports/output

    if find qm/request/server-software "Cheyenne" [
        send-response: func [body [string! binary!]][
            prin to-string body

    publish: has [yield][
        with qm/response [
            either yield: body: case [
                any [none? body empty? body][" "]
                string? body [render body]
                file? body [render body]
                binary? body [body]
                body: any [
                    all [
                        any [file? template string? template]
                        render/with template [yield]
                status: 404 body: any [render %errors/notfound.rsp "Not Found..."]

            case/all [
                any [none? body empty? body][body: " "]

                log [
                    either find body </body> [
                        insert find body </body> rejoin [
                            {^/<div id="_log"><h1>Log</h1><pre><code>}
                            remove sanitize log
                        repend body ["^/" log]

                ; find request/accept-encodings 'deflate [
                ;   set-header 'Content-Encoding "deflate"
                ;   ; IE and Safari need deflate header and footer removed
                ;   clear skip tail remove remove body: compress body -8
                ; ]

            unless find status-codes status [status: 500]
            status: reform ["Status:" status select status-codes status]

            set-header 'Content-Type either find [text application] type/1 [
                rejoin [form type "; charset=" charset]
            ][form type]

            set-header 'Content-Length length? body

            insert body reduce [status newline headers newline]

            send-response body

    export [publish probe]

context [
    root: qm://system/controllers/

    rendered?: #[false]

    redirect-to: func [[catch] 'url [file! url! path! none!] /back /status response-code [integer!]][
        if rendered? [raise "Already Rendered!"]

        qm/response/status: any [response-code 302]
        qm/response/template: #[none]
        case [
            all [back back: as url! get-header "HTTP_REFERER"][url: :back]
            none? url [raise "Redirect requires a valid URL"]
            all [file? url not #"/" = first url][insert url #"/"]
            path? url [url: link-to :url]
        qm/response/set-header 'Location url

        rendered?: #[true]

    render: func [
        body [file! string! url! binary! none!]
        /status code [integer!]
        /as 'type [path!]
        /template master [file! string! url! binary! none!]
        /charset encoding
        /local path
        if rendered? [raise "Already Rendered!"]

        qm/response/body: :body

        case/all [
            status [qm/response/status: :code]
            as [qm/response/type: :type]
            file? body [
                qm/response/body: clean-view-path body partial

        qm/response/template: case [
            binary? body [none]
            all [partial not template][none]
            not template [qm/response/template]
            file? master [clean-view-path master false]
            string? master [master]

        rendered?: #[true]

    print: func [value][render/as/template reform value text/plain none]

    load-controller: use [actions event action filter current][
        actions: []

        action: use [name class options][
            class: context options: [spec: code: none]
            with/only class [
                (with class options)
                'action set name string! set spec opt block!
                'does set code block! (repend actions ['action name make class []])

        event: use [name code][
                'event set name string! 'does set code block!
                (repend actions ['event name code])

        filter: use [names test code][
                'protect copy names some string!
                set test paren! set code block!
                (repend actions ['filter names reduce [test code]])

        func [[catch] name /local file meta][
            actions: copy []

            unless all [
                (all [name name <> ""])
                (exists? file: join root [name %.r])
                (block? file: load/header file)
                ('controller = get in meta: pop file 'type)
                return none

            insert actions meta
            unless parse/all file [some [action | event | filter]][
                name: rejoin ["Invalid Controller Spec: %controllers/" name ".r"]
                raise :name


    route: func [request [object!] /local actions file default args code] with/only qm [
        controller: any [
            pop request/path-info

        if all [
            controller controller/1 = #"_"
            render "Invalid Controller"

        unless actions: load-controller controller [
            ; render "No Controller"
            render/status %errors/notfound.rsp 404

        response/template: get in actions/1 'template

        use [default][
            request/action: pick request/path-info 1
            default: get in actions/1 'default

            case [
                find actions reduce ['action request/action][
                    remove request/path-info
                    action: request/action
                find actions reduce ['action default][
                    action: default
                else [
                    raise "No Action"
                    ; render/status %errors/notfound.rsp 404

        use [startup][
            all [
                startup: load-controller "_startup"
                insert tail actions next startup

        foreach [type scope details] next actions with/only events: context [
            start: prepare: filter: this: none
            case [
                type = 'event [
                    switch scope [
                        "web-start" [start: :details]
                        "prepare" [prepare: any [prepare details]]
                all [
                    type = 'filter
                    find scope action
                    filter: append any [filter []] details
                scope = action [
                    this: any [this details]

        unless events/this [
            response/template: none
            render/status %errors/notfound.rsp 404

        unless args: import/block request/path-info any [events/this/spec []][
            response/template: none
            render/status %errors/badrequest.rsp 400
            ; print "Bad Request" exit

        view-path: dirize to-file controller

        qm: make qm context with/only qm with/only 'route compose/deep [
            (third models)
            header: (first actions)
            title: (rejoin [uppercase/part form controller 1 " :: " uppercase/part form action 1])
            (map-each [word value] args [word: to-set-word word])
            case [
                (any [events/filter []])
                else [(events/this/code)]

        qm/binding: in qm 'self
        either rendered? [#[true]][
            if action [
                render head insert %.rsp action

    export [route]

;--## ENGAGE
try-else [
    with qm [
        route request
        publish response
    reason: make disarm reason []

    qm/binding: 'reason
    qm/handler: %.rsp

    reason-type: sanitize system/error/(reason/type)/type
    reason-message: sanitize reform bind envelop system/error/(reason/type)/(reason/id) reason
    reason-where: sanitize mold reason/where

    with qm/response [
        status: 500
        type: 'text/html
        template: #[none]
        body: trim/head trim/with {
            <title>Error: <%= reason-type %></title>
            <link href="/styles/anywhere.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /></head>
            <h2>Error Message</h2>
            <pre><code>** <%= reason-type %>: <%= reason-message %>
            ** Where: <%= reason-where %>
            ** Near: <%= sanitize mold reason/near %></code></pre>
        } #"^-"
